Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holidays! Vacations! School Breaks!

Traveling with kids with special needs, Disabled, Disability, Accessibility
When you read this title do the exclamation points elicit fear or excitement?

Depending upon your individual experiences your reactions may vary.

Holidays, vacations, and school breaks bring changes in routines, new people to meet or visit, airports to maneuver, hotels to select, restaurants or other's homes to eat in, present choices to make, sensory considerations to implement, and physical obstacles to overcome.

Please comment on any or all of these questions in the comment section below:

  • How do you make holidays, vacations, and school breaks accessible for children and adults with special needs?
  • If you give gifts, what stores offer choices that meet different learning and motor needs?
  • What are some of your favorite gifts that encourage learning and enjoyment?
  • When you choose a hotel do you seek specific elements in the environment?
  • When preparing for a plane trip what extra items to do you bring to make things easier?
  • What adaptations do family members and friends make that engage your family member with special needs?
  • What recreational activities do you do that are accessible to all members of your family?

I'm excited to hear your ideas!--Allyson
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to see the world through prisms other than ones I usually do. Like 'White Privilege' that has made me too unaware of the inequities of the social/political/cultural/academic world, I have had little understanding of the limitations and biases of the great need for inclusion/accessibility. Fondly, Batya


Comments: Thanks for your thoughts. Comments at this site are moderated, which means they'll be sent to me first. We welcome different ideas and opinions within the framework of the blog's vision. I'll post those that are on topic. Some comments might be saved for a future conversation. Proofread before submitting. Thanks! Allyson